
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Think before you Speak!

In the last two weeks or three weeks I have run into a situation that has forced me to question shit. I mean, if I have to go over it in my mind more than a few times I worry. I worry all the time about all kinds of shit. But it really fucking bothers me when I'm reading something, listening to someone and they write or say something that triggers that WTF feeling inside...It's no good for me. I may not tell you right away. I may just let that shit soak and evaporate and never bring it up. But damn that if I will do it with the shit that has gone down these last three weeks!

I made it final that I, myself make my mind up for myself. I will think before I speak, because some of you are in the moment, and caught up in excitement or sadness and say the craziest shit that you don't even realize what it could do to the other person! You just keep fucking rambling on and on about your shit, with no fucking care or thought. Amazes me!

Damn, writing more and more about this just really sets me off! And you know what else gets me going? A FRONT! A fucking front that gets put on because your fucking sad or you're just having a good old fucking time! For me, it only takes me three times to question it before I explode on your ass. And when I say that, I mean tell you the fuck off. Tell you how low and disrespectful you are. Words have power. Don't be a fucking idiot because of where you currently are, who you are around and what you think you shouldn't say.

I don't accept apologies very well, never have and never will. You did it, you did it. Vise versa. I don't expect anyone to accept my apology right off the back.

There are only two things in life that matter, and those are my two kids. Everything else is an exception. I've made that choice to have you in my life, you fuck it up or allow me to question it then you're out. That's it. Second chances are good to give, only and if you deserve them!

I can go on and on about the shit that is built up, but then you would be reading for hours.

I'm done here!

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