
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Longest Siesta of my Life!

After three long days, I finally stopped crying. I also lost four pounds. Finally fit into that mini vest, no problem! Hooray!

The first night I went to the bar and really played a roll. The drunk girl who became entertaining to all around. Then went home, looked around and decided the only thing that would put me to sleep was John Mayer, but instead he made me cry then I fell asleep.

The second night, I watched a movie I shouldn't of then drank a bottle of wine....alone. I had no problem sleeping. Dinner last night was four small brownies. Well I ate them at lunch time and stayed full the whole day LOL.

The third night, I finally hear we are on a break. Now I am just in denial. Not really, just a little sad.

I'm standing back in the rain.

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