
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Sunday, October 16, 2011


I'm learning, at the age of 27, that men really are from Mars. I've learned a few things that raise questions, that make my nose crinkle. As much as men are from Mars, I still have good reason to do and say the things I do.

I'm tempted to go to an old peoples home and question the little old men about the true reasons men spark a circuit when it comes to relationships. But that would require conversation and the only person I want to have a conversation with isn't around.

During a break, that the man chose to take, he tells you to take care of yourself; he tells you live your life like normal...

This doesn't sit too well with me. Why? Well, after years of very serious relationships and lots of doubt about men I know I found a man who gives me something I never had before and I feel incredible when I'm with him.

But did you read what I said? We are on a break. Is this an incredible man? Absolutely. I must stay away from this wonderful man. I cannot text him 'i love you' whenever I want. Most definitely no naughty action. You can only imagine. Can you say nails on a chalkboard? Yes. I can say and did say that.

My body is deprived. As he says to be happy on my own because we have to be happy with ourselves before we can make others happy. Well....I'm happy. I'm allowed to have emotions towards this. Even when I cry, I'm happy still. Men forget we are women. An emotional species. Specially me. Throw sticks and stones, I'm crying so hard the boogers are running so fast they're getting into my mouth. Yeah, I know.

That is gross.

A big part of my happiness was him. I really like the person I am when I'm with him. Cloud 9 does exist people. I'm IN love. What does that mean? That means everything I see in the future includes him. No doubt. Not the band, the emotion. Oh, good you got that.

I refuse to not think of him. Its impossible. What's he doing? Maybe we ate the same thing today. Did he visit Dunkin Donuts (I was not paid to say this)? Are all the notes in his house that I left still there? This isn't half of what my mind goes through. I feel sorry for it. It just thinks about him all day. I mean some of us have lives to live and my mind is just fucking moping and won't snap out of it. I'm forced to drink a large icee from Target, Raspberry Blueberry flavor, to give it a brain freeze. Sheesh!

You know, well maybe you don't, but I also lost my appetite. Just flew out the window. And TRUST me, I can put down some food. I'm a chub in disguise. Its been 6 looooooooong days since I've seen him. Food isn't bringing him home any time soon. I should just hook an IV to my body with liquid food and carry it around. Other women will understand this.

The thing that men do not understand, is that we want our men around. We get sad when you don't want to see us. You say what? Memories? Yeah, there are a ton of those, which makes this not easy at all. And I am sure you men don't get as dramatic as we do, well out loud that is, but I do know you think about us. I still don't know what the hell that means but okay!

I'm happy with or without you. I'm the happiest when I am with you. Jumping for joy and shit. Boys do that to us.

We jump in our closets when you're not looking...

We smile like a 5 year old after he's ate ice cream and has a chocolate ring around his mouth. We do this when you grab our hand.

We get butterflies every single time we meet up.

We wake up in the middle of the night to watch you sleep with your mouth open and drool busting out. We give you kisses on the forehead.

We are girls. We're mushy, romantic, know what we have when we have it.

So I'll wait as long as I can. All things must come to an end eventually. At this point the only this I want to end is this break. BAM!

Men will always be from Mars, and Women will be from Venus, well when we choose too. Haha (its my blog I can say anything I want)!

Let's huddle, break and move to the next play. I MISS YOU!

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