
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Its like that...

I found two one inch long grey hairs this morning. Right on the crown area of my precious head. I couldn't believe it. I thought it was a myth.

I stood there and just stared hoping my eye powers would magically change the color back to black. Epic fail indeed. I've only been twenty six for two months and ten days. Why would grey hair want to ruin my life? I cannot imagine what is going to happen the next two years.

Am I going to be one of those girls that gets multiple grey hairs before thirty? I mean, I don't ever want to turn thirty. Why would anyone want to turn 30. What's really gross is that your vagina is going to be thirty years old. Yuck right!

Back to the grey hairs. I dye my hair every 5-6 months and so I can only assume that this has been coming for sometime now and I've been killing it with the dye. Now I will have to dye my hair until I get a hysterectomy. Because that's when women start to get a pudgy belly, wrinkles that are deeper that your love and ugly hands. No one thinks to take good care of their hands until they start to look like claws and then its too late. More so when older women grow there nails out and think its cute but little do they know they look like they should be in the woods clawing for food or something.

I've noticed in women that are over that twenty five stage that the shoes they start to wear are terrible. Why do you women need to wear shoes that let your toes hang almost over them that you could grip the tip of your shoe with those ugly ass toes? Huh?

I mean when a women puts on open toed shoes she better be able to stand in them and see the top bottom soul of the of her shoe. We already have two hands we do not need another pair! No one likes to see your toes gripping your shoes like their holding on for their lives. Hello!

Slouching is a killer. I saw a women walking to her desk yesterday and she had the cutest outfit on and cute hair. When she sat at her desk she slouched and that flat belly turned to 4 months prego belly. It was gross. Men don't want to see that shit. Even if you aren't single. You are putting your self into a category. The "dude, she's a Mona Lisa kind", you know that category - looks good from afar but get it up close and well its not so pretty anymore.

Why you ask? Because men do the same thing to us as we do to them. We have the "paper bag boy" category and well they have the "dude, she's a Mona Lisa kind" category.

So what does my two grey hairs have to do with all this. Hormones. Can't live with them, can't live without them

Monday, November 22, 2010

♫ It's raining it's pouring...♫♪

When it begins to rain it also pours. But into who's eyes? How you perceive the rain is how you perceive your life. It might be raining, and it may begin to pour, but would your instinct be to reach for an umbrella? Would your thoughts suddenly arise out of the black sand and read, I don't want to get wet? Most likely so...

So when they say 'when it rains, it pours' consider the fact that could have been said by the man who went to the store to grab some groceries and when it began to rain, in his perspective - it began to pour only because he had groceries in his hand and no umbrella? Maybe.

When you come to a place in your life and start to tell yourself that when it rains it pours, think about what you have to protect yourself against the pouring rain.