
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Monday, August 12, 2013

Technically Speaking...

For the first time in my life, someone accused me of being fake. I wasn’t sure how to react, since this person is someone who was commenting on the same status update from someone I know (you know, those heated FB conversations). Technically, a person who is on my FB that I have met once but know his life through social media. Well if anyone ever called me that, it was never to my knowledge.

But I just wanted to remind you people how fake I am. I think this person knows me way to well and I have to say they were right on point! Shall we begin? Lets!

I’m fake because I’m not really 28. I’m really 28 years, 11 months and 3 weeks old.

I should be ashamed of myself.

I’m fake because I wasn’t born with ombre hair. I was born with brown hair. I don’t know what to say.

I’m fake because I told someone they deserved to be happy. This one is definitely going way too far. I will watch my words next time, mommy.

I’m fake because I commented on a status to show some support. I think I should be spanked for this, yup.

I’m fake because I have no great come backs. Just silly words like, ‘you have ugly bangs’ and ‘you’re annoying’. LOL super disappointed.

I’m fake because I don’t know how to get violent on FB.

I’m fake because I don’t hang out with every single one of my FB friends. I know…

I’m fake because I have a full time job, 2 kids in school, a fiancĂ© and my parents and brother. I should know better!

I’m fake because I can’t make time to see my own friends plus the ones on FB that have no idea of my private life. But apparently we should be friends and bowl and shit.

I’m fake because I have a best friend. What nerve do I have to have a best friend! Sheesh.

I’m fake because I love God. I love him so much that I sometimes put his name on FB. What world are we living in! I know! I should be banned from Earth for saying God.

Oh, I almost forgot. I am SO FAKE, because I wasn’t there to physically be there for someone when they were having a rough time. I mean, that is how all this fake-ness started.

It definitly goes to show how shallow people are. This was my first Fb fist fight, I definitly lost because I had nothing else to say to ugly bangs, but oh well. I like to chose my batttles. Like fighting for chocolate cupcakes over vanilla.

Thank you for reading everyone! I am so glad you all know how fake I am!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Life goes on with or without your shoes

Everyone has the right to satisfaction. To peace. To believe in something.

We grow up with the lessons we learned from teachers, parents, friends and enemies. It's our job to make something of it. If you're happy it's because you want to be. Same with being miserable or unhappy. Granted there are those that need further help, but kudos to those who can admit and seek the help they need.

Most of us have been down a dark road enough times to know what we shouldn't take for granted and what we can live without.

I feel in my heart that a simple smile at a stranger, a quick hello to your neighbor or striking up a conversation with someone who always tries to make small talk can make a difference. The small things are usually the best. Baby steps towards a better feeling you never hurt anyone.

There are going to be people out there that feed on the weak, the saddened, the fearful and the loners. Those people get their satisfaction from that. It's sad. But who am I to judge? I don't know what's happened to them, I don't know if they were ever loved enough. But what I do know, that experiencing negativity in my own life never got me anywhere. It never improved my confidence nor did it ever help me with relationships. Only until I realized, I needed to get my act together first before putting on a show.

Positive energy will bring good things. Life will put you through tests (I personally believe God is responsible for that) but life really isn't meant to be easy peasy. But you have to put that into action, if you don't believe you can turn things around; you have to know that it will be a hard life. It will be a struggle.

My hearts been broken so many times, I could of cried all day, became depressed or killed myself. But what good would all that do? My kids have been away from me for long periods of time, I could of been a bitch or complain to everyone. But would that make me a better mom? No. I lost friends over stupid things, did I try and fix things? Yes. Is there only so much you can do? Damn right!

I'm 28 years old, I've lived a life enough to be 58. I know. It's sad. But not to me. I have embraced my mistakes, my failures and learned to adjust and resolve. Do I still get annoyed and upset, duh! I'm not perfect! Just my shoes...

But what I mean people, is that you need to get off that couch! Out of your house! And get some fresh air! People! People! We need your money! Oops, sorry! Got all Little Rascals on you!

Honestly, it's 2013 and we are making the same mistakes! Haven't we as a society learned enough to know! I mean, we go to school, we go to college, you stay single or get married you have kids. They do the same. All the same emotions are there. Except now they try and convince us that a little medicine will help make us better... Man, I could go on but I'm tired. I also hate typing on an iPad.

Tonight, someone asked me to "go fuck yourself", I took that as an opportunity for entertainment. I'm bad at come backs and arguing. I just am. The best I got was trying to wish someone a flat tire. Lame, right! But boy, this person seriously loved to dispute. Who am I to stop her. She also referred I was new to the Internet. I didn't correct her though because my life is consumed by reality. So sometimes I am new to the Internet ;) I mean I have only been blogging since 2009. What do I know.

Alright chicks and dicks, I'm signing off and wishing everyone a safe weekend!
