
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Love Turns Wise Women Into Fools

Your eyes are the color of her coffee in the morning,
who needs a cup when she can just stare at you and get the same result?
Your hands are like her covers at night,
so she threw her's away.
Your laugh is enough to make her laugh,
so she stopped tripping people.
Your words are so fulfilling to her,
She doesn't need to read books anymore.
Your kiss is so exhilarating,
She said goodbye to fantasising,
Your hugs make her feel like she's melting into a down comforter,
I guess you know where she'll be sleeping.
Your knowledge is so powerful,
now she believe's in magic.
Your lips are a natural lip balm,
Chapstick won't be making money off her anymore.
You're so beautiful its amazing,
she'd prefer to watch you rise than the sun.
Sleeping next to you is like watching art,
she thinks you're the best still art she's ever seen.
After she met you, she read a quote that changed her way of thinking: "I've looked around enough to know that you're the one I want to go through time with you."