
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Monday, November 4, 2013

The claws, the stare and the retards

Judge Judy said "beauty fades, dumb is forever".

How fucking true is this shit right here! Wake up bitches! What's it going to take for you to crawl out of your Mac wearing, spider lash having ass and realize that the sun does not rise and set on your bootAY!

Girls are so quick to open up their mouth to a problem that isn't even theirs. So quick to judge others by what they hear. So quick to assume what's best for the person who IS having the problem. Guess what tramp?! Shit is not your biznazz! 

That's when I'm like, claws out ho. Claws are fucking out. Don't get it twisted when you see a butterfly turn into a fire breathing dragon. Exactly.

It's a selfish feeling when that scorned look, the stare is given. Yup, she knows how shit just got real. Oh, you want to take it all back now? Too bad, this girl doesn't give charity to those who wear the grin of sin. Mama taught me better than that. 

The ones who sit back and soak in all the bullshit, all the lies, all the rumors and gossip are nothing else but retarded. A special kind, it takes a lot of insecurity to turn into that type of person.

Seriously, women have no respect for themselves anymore. Have we lost all control? Yes, once a frizz ball meets a polished ball and the frizz suddenly thinks that the polish is a brat or bitch. Apparently it's that easy. 

This is just a summary of what I constantly see all year round. The holidays are approaching and I can guarantee drama is lurking. I'll be here to write about it. What kind of person would I be if I didn't. 

They always say, if you had a great life you wouldn't have time to pay attention to other peoples lives. However, when one comes across road kill you can't help but gasp at the sight. 

Alright, alright! I'm done with my rant. Back to classy Val.

"You said it. You were thinking it!" Know what movie this is from? Wrong! Lol, kidding.

To conclude this post, don't forget ladies -> mascara goes a long ways! But don't be a whore about it.

Thursday, October 10, 2013


It’s early and everyone is rushing to grab their coffee to go and a quick breakfast. The baristas are receiving large requests along with ridiculous instructions of how the latte should be made.

There are about three people in front of me, and suddenly I hear this women giving the barista this complicated order and when the barista offered to repeat the order the women says ‘’a professional would never repeat the order, be sure it’s right”. Wow. There are real people out there like this? The barista called out her order, and guess what… There was too much soy milk in the one order that called for light soy milk. The women began to yell and become angry. She pointed to all of the customer’s waiting and said that they are lucky to have us in order for them to stay in business. She continued with her rant and advised all the workers behind the counter to just quit their jobs and go work at Burger King. The manager, wherever he was, finally came out and asked her to leave as she was disrupting a peaceful place where people come to relax.

The women purposely threw the drinks on the floor and dashed out. The building’s walls are all windows so you can see her stomping around as she began to dial up her phone. A few customer’s rush outside and ask her to stop swearing as there were small children around but she paid no attention to them. The security guards for the mall area came by to try and diffuse her anger but she belittled them and called them terrible names. A police officer was called as she was disrupting the peace, and whatever he said to her made her leave.

This woman looked like she just stepped out of a fashion show. She was in her late 30’s early 40’s, cashmere red lipstick, heavy eye make-up. Her perfume was horrid. She also looked like she is extremely high in stress. I try not to judge. But I do pay attention and while we were all in line before the mess happened, I adored her outfit, her make-up. But as soon as she opened her mouth, a monster was unleashed.

I know people have dark stories that affected them as a person. I know a lot of people who could have became nasty because of what’s happened to them. But there is a level of mutual respect that we, as a human race must accept. The person in from of you or behind you in line has no idea who you are. As you do not know them. You have no right to unleash your demons on them. You do not have the right to belittle someone because you feel satisfaction from that twisted action.

Respect is key in every day to day activity. You are an adult. You control your actions. You are where you are today because of what you have done. Everyone has bad days, but we can’t spoon feed you and wipe your ass every time shit hits the fan.

I commend the baristas at this coffee shop for remaining professional and understanding that they have a business to run, not a daycare. They say that when you have a bad experience somewhere you go and tell ten of your friends. But for me, an innocent by-standard who watched from afar will go tell ten of my friends how awesome this coffee shop is and how they remained polite to a person who tried to discourage them in front of many.

Later that week, I went back to the coffee shop for my usual. The barista gal apologized for the outbreak that happened earlier in the week, we exchanged a few laughs. And she told me that the company the woman worked for, sent an apology letter to them for their employee’s actions. Since that woman was the one who picked up everyone’s coffee she represented them as a company. Let’s just say, there’s a new coffee girl and she is pretty friendly. I met her myself and thanked her for her kindness and bought her a coffee for it.

Cheers everyone.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

The Real You

Our faces, our bodies are the shields to curiosity,
The shield to those outside our bubbles,
And the unknown.

So we hide,
Behind our fashion,
Behind our career,
Behind our anger.

But over time,
Through those tears,
Will shine a better you, a better life.

Imagine your face is made from clay,
And as those tears trickle down,
It slowly erases that mask.

What appears, is you. Me.
A smile, bright eyes,
And glowing skin.

The real you.

Then slowly your arms,
They will begin to embrace change,
And learn to pat yourself on the back.

Later will comes your legs,
While they've been stuck,
You've had enough time to realize how to
Set yourself free.

And once that realization has come about,
It will be the most beautiful thing,
You will be able to smile about.

The real you will want to thank you later.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Technically Speaking...

For the first time in my life, someone accused me of being fake. I wasn’t sure how to react, since this person is someone who was commenting on the same status update from someone I know (you know, those heated FB conversations). Technically, a person who is on my FB that I have met once but know his life through social media. Well if anyone ever called me that, it was never to my knowledge.

But I just wanted to remind you people how fake I am. I think this person knows me way to well and I have to say they were right on point! Shall we begin? Lets!

I’m fake because I’m not really 28. I’m really 28 years, 11 months and 3 weeks old.

I should be ashamed of myself.

I’m fake because I wasn’t born with ombre hair. I was born with brown hair. I don’t know what to say.

I’m fake because I told someone they deserved to be happy. This one is definitely going way too far. I will watch my words next time, mommy.

I’m fake because I commented on a status to show some support. I think I should be spanked for this, yup.

I’m fake because I have no great come backs. Just silly words like, ‘you have ugly bangs’ and ‘you’re annoying’. LOL super disappointed.

I’m fake because I don’t know how to get violent on FB.

I’m fake because I don’t hang out with every single one of my FB friends. I know…

I’m fake because I have a full time job, 2 kids in school, a fiancĂ© and my parents and brother. I should know better!

I’m fake because I can’t make time to see my own friends plus the ones on FB that have no idea of my private life. But apparently we should be friends and bowl and shit.

I’m fake because I have a best friend. What nerve do I have to have a best friend! Sheesh.

I’m fake because I love God. I love him so much that I sometimes put his name on FB. What world are we living in! I know! I should be banned from Earth for saying God.

Oh, I almost forgot. I am SO FAKE, because I wasn’t there to physically be there for someone when they were having a rough time. I mean, that is how all this fake-ness started.

It definitly goes to show how shallow people are. This was my first Fb fist fight, I definitly lost because I had nothing else to say to ugly bangs, but oh well. I like to chose my batttles. Like fighting for chocolate cupcakes over vanilla.

Thank you for reading everyone! I am so glad you all know how fake I am!

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Life goes on with or without your shoes

Everyone has the right to satisfaction. To peace. To believe in something.

We grow up with the lessons we learned from teachers, parents, friends and enemies. It's our job to make something of it. If you're happy it's because you want to be. Same with being miserable or unhappy. Granted there are those that need further help, but kudos to those who can admit and seek the help they need.

Most of us have been down a dark road enough times to know what we shouldn't take for granted and what we can live without.

I feel in my heart that a simple smile at a stranger, a quick hello to your neighbor or striking up a conversation with someone who always tries to make small talk can make a difference. The small things are usually the best. Baby steps towards a better feeling you never hurt anyone.

There are going to be people out there that feed on the weak, the saddened, the fearful and the loners. Those people get their satisfaction from that. It's sad. But who am I to judge? I don't know what's happened to them, I don't know if they were ever loved enough. But what I do know, that experiencing negativity in my own life never got me anywhere. It never improved my confidence nor did it ever help me with relationships. Only until I realized, I needed to get my act together first before putting on a show.

Positive energy will bring good things. Life will put you through tests (I personally believe God is responsible for that) but life really isn't meant to be easy peasy. But you have to put that into action, if you don't believe you can turn things around; you have to know that it will be a hard life. It will be a struggle.

My hearts been broken so many times, I could of cried all day, became depressed or killed myself. But what good would all that do? My kids have been away from me for long periods of time, I could of been a bitch or complain to everyone. But would that make me a better mom? No. I lost friends over stupid things, did I try and fix things? Yes. Is there only so much you can do? Damn right!

I'm 28 years old, I've lived a life enough to be 58. I know. It's sad. But not to me. I have embraced my mistakes, my failures and learned to adjust and resolve. Do I still get annoyed and upset, duh! I'm not perfect! Just my shoes...

But what I mean people, is that you need to get off that couch! Out of your house! And get some fresh air! People! People! We need your money! Oops, sorry! Got all Little Rascals on you!

Honestly, it's 2013 and we are making the same mistakes! Haven't we as a society learned enough to know! I mean, we go to school, we go to college, you stay single or get married you have kids. They do the same. All the same emotions are there. Except now they try and convince us that a little medicine will help make us better... Man, I could go on but I'm tired. I also hate typing on an iPad.

Tonight, someone asked me to "go fuck yourself", I took that as an opportunity for entertainment. I'm bad at come backs and arguing. I just am. The best I got was trying to wish someone a flat tire. Lame, right! But boy, this person seriously loved to dispute. Who am I to stop her. She also referred I was new to the Internet. I didn't correct her though because my life is consumed by reality. So sometimes I am new to the Internet ;) I mean I have only been blogging since 2009. What do I know.

Alright chicks and dicks, I'm signing off and wishing everyone a safe weekend!


Sunday, May 19, 2013

A Life Worth Fighting For

This morning I read a terrible post on Facebook by my younger brother. He mentioned he had the worst day and that he was called "fag" several times at work by customers. The first emotion that hit me was anger, then sadness. I think its natural to want to be there and defend someone you love when they are in those types if situations. And when you can't, it hurts.

If you know me and my family well, you know my younger brother is gay; my parents are very religious and that we all love each other. When my brother told us he was gay, it was a surprise but wasn't at the same time. We accepted him, there wasn't a question or doubt. We love him, our Lord gave us this person; he brought him into our lives.

Its so true when you hear the phrase "born this way". This is the solid reason any homosexual person can give you. As children no one kneels by there bedside and prays to be a homosexual. No one prays to be made this way, you are just born that way. You are. Its in your blood, bones and soul. No one chooses to be this way. And the way people, the world react is just appalling to me. The world is so focused on gay marriage and how they can raise children. Have we lost all sight?

What do we call all the bad mothers, fathers, sex traffickers, molesters, kidnappers, murderers out there? They weren't born that way, they chose to be that way. They allowed themselves to be taken by the dark side, and they had a choice. I know there are mentally ill people out there that commit terrible crimes, but that is not the group I am talking about. I am talking about the women who know they shouldn't have children and do. The men who chose to get a women pregnant and know they will not stick around. The groups out there that think its okay to enslave a child into sex trafficking. A person who feels touching a child in sexual ways is okay. A person who kidnaps someone to remove them from society and think there is no wrong in that. The people who don't have the right to end someone's life. What about those people? WHY ARE WE NOT FOCUSING ON THESE PEOPLE?????? WHY ARE WE FOCUSING ON GAY MEN AND WOMEN WHO WANT TO LIVE PEACEFUL LIFE'S????

Sure those people make headlines, sure you talk about it amongst your peers. But then the topic fades until the next terrible thing happens. But giving gay men and women any rights is milk in everyone's coffee. I can't remember the last time I read, heard or saw something in the news about a soulless act committed by a gay person. I just can't. Can you? Oh wait, yes I can. I remember it was only a few months ago that gay men and women wanted to marry because they loved each other and wanted to dedicate their lives to one another and it did make headline news. In fact, people were so outraged that they started rioting... I guess loving someone, really is a crime.

I don't give a fuck who you are, I don't care where you came from, I don't care what race you are - but if you think you have been giving a life that only our Lord leads to be able to call ANYONE ANY kind of hurtful name; you truly have been giving a life that only the devil leads.

You are given one life, one heart, one soul. After that, your actions will guide you to where you belong once you've passed.

Remember that the gay man and women who live amongst us are symbols of love and peace. And to that, this is all they seek.

Our race is so corrupted that the real focus has been jaded and the real problems are becoming okay in our society. I am a daughter, a mother, a friend, a sister and this is what I see through my eyes. My own opinion. My own words.

Life will never makes sense, don't kill yourself trying to make sense of it.

A prayer for those who were born the way you are: