
Do us all a great favor and enter with a sense of humor. Marco...!

Thursday, October 10, 2013


It’s early and everyone is rushing to grab their coffee to go and a quick breakfast. The baristas are receiving large requests along with ridiculous instructions of how the latte should be made.

There are about three people in front of me, and suddenly I hear this women giving the barista this complicated order and when the barista offered to repeat the order the women says ‘’a professional would never repeat the order, be sure it’s right”. Wow. There are real people out there like this? The barista called out her order, and guess what… There was too much soy milk in the one order that called for light soy milk. The women began to yell and become angry. She pointed to all of the customer’s waiting and said that they are lucky to have us in order for them to stay in business. She continued with her rant and advised all the workers behind the counter to just quit their jobs and go work at Burger King. The manager, wherever he was, finally came out and asked her to leave as she was disrupting a peaceful place where people come to relax.

The women purposely threw the drinks on the floor and dashed out. The building’s walls are all windows so you can see her stomping around as she began to dial up her phone. A few customer’s rush outside and ask her to stop swearing as there were small children around but she paid no attention to them. The security guards for the mall area came by to try and diffuse her anger but she belittled them and called them terrible names. A police officer was called as she was disrupting the peace, and whatever he said to her made her leave.

This woman looked like she just stepped out of a fashion show. She was in her late 30’s early 40’s, cashmere red lipstick, heavy eye make-up. Her perfume was horrid. She also looked like she is extremely high in stress. I try not to judge. But I do pay attention and while we were all in line before the mess happened, I adored her outfit, her make-up. But as soon as she opened her mouth, a monster was unleashed.

I know people have dark stories that affected them as a person. I know a lot of people who could have became nasty because of what’s happened to them. But there is a level of mutual respect that we, as a human race must accept. The person in from of you or behind you in line has no idea who you are. As you do not know them. You have no right to unleash your demons on them. You do not have the right to belittle someone because you feel satisfaction from that twisted action.

Respect is key in every day to day activity. You are an adult. You control your actions. You are where you are today because of what you have done. Everyone has bad days, but we can’t spoon feed you and wipe your ass every time shit hits the fan.

I commend the baristas at this coffee shop for remaining professional and understanding that they have a business to run, not a daycare. They say that when you have a bad experience somewhere you go and tell ten of your friends. But for me, an innocent by-standard who watched from afar will go tell ten of my friends how awesome this coffee shop is and how they remained polite to a person who tried to discourage them in front of many.

Later that week, I went back to the coffee shop for my usual. The barista gal apologized for the outbreak that happened earlier in the week, we exchanged a few laughs. And she told me that the company the woman worked for, sent an apology letter to them for their employee’s actions. Since that woman was the one who picked up everyone’s coffee she represented them as a company. Let’s just say, there’s a new coffee girl and she is pretty friendly. I met her myself and thanked her for her kindness and bought her a coffee for it.

Cheers everyone.

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